Shade of Evil
“This is an intriguing short story with four teenage boys and a spooky event from the town’s past and present. Without giving the story away I’ll say the author does a great job building the story with vividly painted scenes and had me glued to the pages with this paranormal mystery. It’s an interesting quick read that has me looking forward to more from this author.” Brenda Moser, ARC reader on Goodreads
“This is an interesting story with a nice twist. Creepy without being too creepy.” Marissa Goetschel on Goodreads
“This is a well-written book that had me intrigued I could not stop reading it. The storyline is well developed as well as the characters are. The book is macabre and definitely believable if you believe in the paranormal. I only have one problem I really want to know if Pierre’s hypothesis is correct. I highly recommend this ghastly paranormal book.” Blackeagle, reader on Amazon